Our 3 Precious Resources: Time, Money, Energy
This week, I submitted the entire first draft of my book to my writing coach for review. It was exhilarating and terrifying. This book has been a dream of mine for so long, and this milestone felt like a signal that my dream is becoming reality. I also found it deeply vulnerable to share my most intimate stories and words for a stranger to critique. I turned that puppy in and then I took myself to the beach.
The thrill of doing something that scared and electrified me carried me through the entire week. I was buzzing and alive and proud.
But it almost didn't happen.
I have been writing this book for a while now, and I had amassed enough words to count as an entire book. But then I sort of stopped. I disengaged.
When the new year came I recommitted to my book, but not much changed. As I looked at my three precious resources of Time, Money and Energy, I saw why. I was no longer investing much time in my book. I was investing little to no money in it. And the energy I was investing was more about talk than actual walk.
At that moment I realized I needed to do something different, something I coach my clients on all the time. I had to back-up my goal by committing my resources of Time, Money and Energy.
For me this looked like hiring a writing coach, who promptly put me on deadline. With my money invested and the clock ticking, a surge of focus and attention came. I worked on the book, which reconnected me to my project, and through this process I made tangible progress on a goal that means a lot to me.
I'm sharing this because I wonder how many others have set goals this year, that are already stagnant. (Research shows most people bail out of their New Year's goals by January 17th). If this is true for you, I invite you to look at how you're spending your precious resources. Are you directing your Time, Money and Energy to support your goal? If the cold hard truth is no, don't worry, you can decide to start now. And the moment you do, your vision will be supercharged by your investment.
Go ahead, give it a try. I'd love to hear how it goes for you.
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