The Stronger Pull
Have you ever wanted to make a decision that went against the practical information you had at the time? A decision that didn't "make sense" but that you just felt in your bones was what you wanted to do?
I've been thinking a lot lately about risk, and how as adults we calculate risk. It's a head game, very intellectual. The pro and con list goes on the page and we add what we believe are these "matter of fact" items to either column.
But what's often missing here is how something FEELS. We get so stuck in the over-thinking that we become detached from our instinct, our heart, our gut.
When I look back on times I've made a decision that was rooted in a deeper feeling, even against practical reasons, these were almost always decisions that lead me to something great. One that comes to mind is moving from New York to LA. We had no real "reason" to move. No excuse to tell our friends and family who would miss us. We just felt like we needed to change things up, we felt drawn to LA. All of the practical information told us not to do it. Moving costs money. Moving cross-country takes a ton of planning and logistics. We'd have so much to figure out. But we did it anyway, because it felt right.
In retrospect, it is a decision I love and am proud of. It was brave. And fun! And not without stress and doubt. But still.
Is there anything in your life right now that is up for decision? What would you LOVE to do? Might there be an opening where you're willing to go against practical advise and follow your own inner wisdom? What could this look like? It's a good inquiry to be in, no matter what you ultimately decide.
It reminds me of the Rumi quote:
Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.
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