Breaking Up With Corporate America
At the beginning of my current mastermind, one of the women shared that this was going to be the year she "broke up with corporate America".
In such an entrepreneurial group, this goal was met with support and celebration. Many of the others in the group had themselves left the corporate world to create their own businesses.
As we focused on what her business would look and feel like, and what she wanted her life to look like, her offerings began to take shape.
But—when we're stretching into the next season of our life and work, it isn't always so neat and tidy. It's not like we flip a switch and quit that job and immediately turn on the faucet of our own business and make all the money we want to make. Instead, more often it's a build up.
What I love so much is that this client decided to ALLOW it to be a build up. She decided that she was no longer willing to wait on her dreams and her calling, and she started with a simple initial offering that she can do now, easily, while she's still in corporate America.
What are you wanting next? What are you waiting for? How can you start small so that you are already underway?
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